Man in the Moon Irish Pubs - Kyoto & Tokyo Japan
May 2018 Special deals at our pubs this month on Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniels, Corona, and more! Live Sports: Soccer / Football Watch the 2018 UEFA Champions League live in Kyoto at the Pig & Whistle Pub. New Beers on Tap at Tokyo Pub See Picture below! Event Schedule TBA. Cheers, Man in the Moon Man in the Moon Irish Pubs - Kyoto & Tokyo Japan
April 2018 Introducing "English Night" at our Pubs! 英語でしゃべらナイト (英会話) Starting this month we will be hosting free English conversation nights at our pubs in Kyoto & Tokyo. Many of our Japanese customers have been interested in a conversation event for a long time! Join our staff for some fun English Conversation or "Eikaiwa"! 一緒に英語と日本語しゃべりましょう! Tokyo: Man in the Moon Shinbashi Pub, April 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th Kyoto: Man in the Moon Rokkaku Pub, April 9th from 4pm イベント発表! いつ:4月9日 どこ:京都はマンインザムーン六角店 なに:英語でしゃべらNIGHTやります! 英語と日本語会話 / English and Japanese conversation 海外の人と英語で楽しくしゃべりたい人是非参加してください! 参加無料、ドリンク代のみ Monthly Drink Promotion Dewar's Sakura Cocktail ¥800 Live Sports: Watch the AFL & NRL at our Pubs in Kyoto & Tokyo! You asked for it and we're showing it! Watch the 2018 Australian Football League and National Rugby League season matches LIVE at our pubs in Japan. Available at 3 locations on demand: Kyoto: Man in the Moon Rokkaku Pub, Pig & Whistle British Pub Tokyo: Man in the Moon Shinbashi Pub Man in the Moon Shinbashi Pub (Tokyo) Apr. 7 (Sat) - Live music: Hirota Shinsei Apr. 9 (Mon) - English conversation night 英語ナイト, Live music: Ayumu Kotoko Apr. 16 (Mon) - English conversation night 英語ナイト Apr. 17 (Tue) - Live music: Ayumu Apr. 21 (Sat) - Live music: Tommy Apr. 23 (Mon) - English conversation night 英語ナイト Apr. 24 (Tue) - Live music: Woodstock Apr. 30 (Mon) - English conversation night 英語ナイト Man in the Moon Karasuma Station Pub (Kyoto) Apr. 11 (Wed) - Live music: Waka Apr. 12 (Thu) - Live music: Nukky Apr. 13 (Fri) - Live music: Slinky Tips Apr. 14 (Sat) - Live Music: Suger'sA Apr. 20 (Fri) - Manager Izumi's Last Party! Apr. 26 (Thu) - Live music: Nukky Man in the Moon Rokkaku Pub (Kyoto) Apr. 9 (Mon) - English Conversation Night 英語でしゃべらナイト Apr. 27 (Fri) - Live music Apr. 28 (Sat) - Live music Pig & Whistle British Pub Kyoto Apr. 8 (Sun) - Kyoto Language Lovers from 5pm, ¥500 including snacks Apr. 14 (Sun) - Matchmaking Event 7-9pm (registration required: ) Apr. 15 (Sun) - Kyoto Language Lovers from 5pm, ¥500 including snacks Apr. 21 (Sat) - Matchmaking Event (registration required: ) Apr. 22 (Sun) - Kyoto Language Lovers from 5pm, ¥500 including snacks Apr. 28 (Sat) - Matchmaking Event (registration required: ) Apr. 29 (Sun) - Last Sunday Darts Cheers, Man in the Moon |
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